Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Media Survey Results

Media Survey Results:

There were 10 participants (including myself) who took part in the survey. The names of the participants are undisclosed and confidential.

Question: Most Common Answer:
1 1
2 3
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 2
7                        1,2,3
8 1
9 0
10 1
11 2
12 2

Participant 1: Column1 Participant 2: Column2 Participant 3: Column3
Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Question: Answer:
1         A 1         A 1         A
2         C 2         B 2         C
3         A 3         A 3                 A
4         B 4         B 4         C
5         B 5         B 5         A
6         A 6         A 6         B
7         A 7         D 7         B
8         C 8         A 8         C
9 9 9
10 10 10
11 11 11
12 12 12

Participant 4: Column4 Participant 5: Column5 Participant 6: Column6
Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Question: Answer:
1              A 1         B 1         A
2         A 2         B 2         E
3         A 3         A 3         A
4         A 4         B 4         B
5         A 5         C 5         A
6             B 6         A 6         B
7         C 7         C 7         A
8         B 8         A 8         A
9 9 9         E
10 10 10
11 11 11
12 12 12
Participant 7: Column7 Participant 8: Column8 Participant 9: Column9
Question: Answer: Question: Answer: Question: Answer:
1         A 1         A 1         A
2         E 2            C 2         B
3         A 3         A 3         A
4         B 4         A 4         A
5         A 5         C 5         D
6           B  6         A 6         B
7         A 7         B 7         B
8         B 8           A 8         B
9         A  9         E 9         F
10         C 10         A 10         A
11         A 11         B 11            B
12         B 12         C 12         B
Participant 10: Column10
Question: Answer:
1         B
2         C
3         A
4         A
5         C
6         B
7         C
8         A
9         B
10         C
11         B
12         C

Media Survey

Media Survey
1. What gender are you?
A) Male
B) Female

2. How old are you?
A) 10-15
B) 16-20
C) 21-30
D) 31-45
E) Over 45

3. Do you read magazines?
A) Yes
B) No

4. If yes, do read your magazine regularly?
A) Once a week
B) Twice a week
C) Three times a week
D) More than three times a week

5. How long does it take you to read your magazine?
A) Under ten minutes
B) 11 to 20 minutes
C) 21 to 30 minutes
D) 31 to 40 minutes
E) 41 to 50 minutes
F) 51 to 1 hour
G) More than one hour

6. Do you have a subscription to your magazine?
A) Yes
B) No

7. What genre of magazine do you enjoy reading?
A) Sport
B) Gaming
C) TV/film
D) Other

8. Do you read music magazines?
A) Never
B) Occasionally
C) All the time

9. If you do, what genre of music magazine to you read?
A) Pop
B) Rock
C) Classical
D) Rap
E) Electronic
F) Other

10. Why draws you to your music magazine?
A) Pictures on the front cover draw my attention
B) Articles on the contents page interest me
C) I like reading interviews on double page spreads
D) Other

11. Do you have a subscription to you music magazine?
A) Yes
B) No

12. Why do you read your music magazine?
A) I like to keep up to date on musical activities (gigs)
B) I read it once, now it’s a habit
C) A friend recommended it to me


Small Lighting:Diminutive specks of light are used to light up the scene e.g. a bulb. They usually cast strong,hard shadows and usually used to light up certain parts of the scene.
Big Lighting: Large portions of light which illuminate the entire scene and are usually artificial. They cast less shadows and are usually used for groups shots and scenes with lots of detail.

Direction of Lighting: Lighting from different directions can affect the perception of characters greatly. For example, lighting from below makes characters look scary, lighting from the side seems atmospheric and lighting from above can makes characters seem suspicious as you cannot see their eyes.
Outdoor Lighting: Shots which are made outside and different times of day can affect the shot. For example, daylight is useful as there are no shadows, can shot in any direction and it is easier to get
better shots.

Indoor Lighting: Lighting within the shot has an indoor source and they use artificial lighting which is easier to use. An example of indoor lighting is a lamp or ceiling lights.